Nessmuk's Original Box Call Turkey Call
Grandad, I think I'm ready. The words you've been wanting to hear for a
while. He's gotten his deer, killed many a dove and squirrel, and
finally it's time to find that gobbler. He's practiced with yours, more
than his grandmother would have liked, but he's good now. It's dang near
killed you to hold it back, but it's time. You call him to your room
with a grin on your face and pull that brand new Nessmuk's Original Box
Call Turkey Call out of the drawer and say, "Yup, it's time, boy". This
is yours. We'll go this weekend. It's time.
The Nessmuk's Original Box Call has a walnut paddle and sides to produce a loud and raspy yelp. Great for experienced hunters and beginners alike. This is an easy to use call that will entice gobblers in the spring and hens in the fall. Proudly Pennsylvania Made.